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Texas Instruments

Ti-Nspire Cx Ii Cas Graphing Calculator, 10-Digit Lcd - TEXNSPIRECX2CAS

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  • Ti-Nspire Cx Ii Cas Graphing Calculator, 10-Digit Lcd
  • Ti-Nspire Cx Ii Cas Graphing Calculator, 10-Digit Lcd
  • Ti-Nspire Cx Ii Cas Graphing Calculator, 10-Digit Lcd
  • Ti-Nspire Cx Ii Cas Graphing Calculator, 10-Digit Lcd

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Advanced statistics analysis, including 10 hypothesis testing functions, seven confidence interval functions and one-way analysis of variance. Eighteen probability distributions functions, including the cumulative distribution function (CDF), probability density function (PDF) and inverse probability distribution function for normal, chi-squared, t-, and F- distributions; and the CDF and PDF for binomial, geometric and Poisson distributions. Three statistical plot definitions for scatter plots, xy-line plots, histograms, regular and modified box-and-whisker plots, and normal probability plots.

Product Features

  • Function, parametric, polar, sequence and 3D graphing.
  • Multiple graphing functions can be defined, saved, graphed and analyzed at one time.
  • Electronically upgradeable graphing handheld allows you to have the most up-to-date functionality.
  • CAS engine allows you to perform symbolic and numeric calculations.
  • Animated path plot draws graphs in real time for easy visualization.
  • Rechargeable battery eliminates need for frequent battery replacement.
  • Built-in apps allow you to save and share work with others.

Item Dimensions
Weight: 1.0 lbs.
Height: 2.0 in
Depth: 11.8 in
Width: 7.25 in

Manufacturer's limited one-year warranty.

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Additional Information

-Function, parametric, polar, sequence and 3D graphing.-Multiple graphing functions can be defined, saved, graphed and analyzed at one time.-Electronically upgradeable graphing handheld allows you to have the most up-to-date functionality.
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